North Central Mass Events

Family Bingo Night in Leominster

Leominster City Hall 25 West Street, Leominster, MA, United States

Leominster City Hall will host BINGO for the whole family on February 20, 5:30-7:00 PM. Play for fun, and also for prizes! Children must be accompanied by a participating adult. Registration is required. Tickets are $5 for residents, $10 for non-residents.

Winter Fest at Fruitlands Museum

Fruitlands Museum 102 Prospect Hill Road, Harvard, Ma

There will be plenty of winter joy at the Winter Fest hosted by Harvard Lions Club and the Fruitlands Museum on February 22, 11:00-4:00. An entire day of fun activities is sure to be enjoyed by the whole family. Participate in races and games, and when you're tired and cold, warm up with some hot […]

Event Series Creation Station at Gardner Library

Creation Station at Gardner Library

Levi Heywood Memorial Library West Lynde Street, Gardner, Ma, United States

Creation Station at Levi Heywood Memorial Library in Gardner every Saturday in the winter at 11:00am. On Saturday mornings during the winter, the library will provide all the materials and inspiration for young artists to design, build, and craft their own unique creations. For grades K-4.